Wednesday 19 October 2011


Blogspot seems to keep being very temperamental (ie, impossibly difficult and not working at all) so I've started posting on the tumblr account I made ages ago and never used. O Blogspot /dreary sigh.
But, tumblr seems to be working well, so I may just migrate there and keep a very large link to my NEW work and thoughts etc on this post (if this posts...) at the top of this page and keep this for early archival of my unit one work.

Byebye, Blogspot....

Friday 14 October 2011

The Lolita Project

In the summer I started a side-line project about Lolita (that I was talking about in my last post) and since then I've added some new drawings to it & thought I would upload it in its entirety since it's actually becoming more than vaguely relevant.
With thoughts of fairy tales and iconoclasm, the cult of the virgin, Courtney Love, dolls etc etc etc.

I still don't know how to rotate things.

The crayon face isn't new but the picture of the women & police ontop is, and all that follows is new:

Here's a picture of me for good measure.
[Loading the other pictures was a lengthy and dull process...]
Byebye, blog.